Non Alcoholic Wedding and Party Drinks

Weddings are celebrations of love, unity, and joyous moments shared with family and friends. The old assumption that there would be an open bar and unlimited alcohol for guests is rapidly changing, as more people are considering the health and wellness impact of overconsuming alcohol. 

There is so much joy in being fully present when we connect with eachother. We want to feel amazing, stay awake, look good in photos, and be ready to reconnect the following day! 

Sarilla presents an alcohol-free option which is delicious and has a satisfying mouthfeel without any alcohol flavor, so it's "sober-safe" (not triggering for people in recovery) yet it feels like it could be a special cocktail. Some of our flavors even look like champagne in a glass! This was actually our founder's reason for developing Sarilla back in 2018. She stopped consuming alcohol in 2006 and was concerned she would miss out on the fun at her own wedding. 

For some sober couples, it's important to have a booze-free wedding, while others will choose to have a mix of options. Sarilla can be purchased in cans or kegs for your upcoming wedding. We even provide suggested cocktail or mocktail recipes and can offer suggestions on a signature drink for your special celebration. Why not have a DIY drink bar?

sarilla sober weddings or non alcoholic drink for party

No or low alcohol weddings can help everyone feel included, safe and reliable. No embarrassing speeches or blackouts here! 

Sarilla helps people feel a sense of Belonging, and it becomes almost an accessory we can hold during a social occasion (until we get on the dance floor!). We are so excited to be your go-to beverage provider and would like to offer you a volume discount for your event.

Let's toast to you and your day, your future memories and beautiful photos. Feel good, look good, and ensure there are no regrets for your guests. 
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