For Immediate Release: BevNet awards Sarilla with Best Packaging

Sarilla, a women-owned alcohol-free beverage company that specializes in sparkling teas and regenerative botanicals, is grateful to announce its recent Best in Packaging award, announced at BevNet Live.  

This award honors Sarilla’s commitment to excellence in its package design and its dedication to giving customers the best brand experience possible. Sarilla’s winning packaging, created in partnership with Chance Design, features vibrant colors and a dynamic design that inspires each consumer to tap into their inner power. Sarilla is more than a drink, it is a social accessory and a beacon of hope that leaves people feeling hydrated, healthy and happy. 

“The winners of BevNET’s Best of 2022 Awards embody that spirit and drive, combining inspiration with effort, style, dynamism and personality,” says BevNet’s award site. “Even amid a period of global upheaval, when the world reaches for a drink, these brands and leaders are there to serve that demand.”

Sarilla’s commitment to a positive brand experience extends beyond its packaging and into its production process. The company works directly with farmer cooperatives in Rwanda to grow the crops used for the drinks using environmentally safe and sustainable methods, which also allows the farmers to profit from the drinks’ success.  The company even holds annual Crop to Cup trips where guests are invited to view the whole process of the supply chain. Sarilla’s goal is not only to create delicious drinks but to also make a positive impact on the world.


Sarilla is an award-winning organic nonalcoholic beverage company based in the U.S. and partnering with Genocide Survivors in Rwanda. Now available in six flavors made with regeneratively grown, functional ingredients that serve as a perfect alternative to soda or alcohol. Learn more about our Drink for Change mission, and try our Sample Pack.

Certified Women-Owned, Kosher, Organic, Fair Trade and Alcohol-Free.

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