How To Set Up A Tea Bar, PART 1

The first time I remember making a mixed drink was in 3rd grade with my friend Erin. We would use whatever we could find in the fridge like milk, orange juice and soda. Totally gross but somehow fun. When I got older, my mom taught me how to make homemade coffee liquor and we would prepare pretty glass bottles with handwritten labels for Christmas gifts.

When I decided to eliminate alcohol from my life I started exploring options that could replace the habit and support my health goals but nothing existed in ready-to-drink format. This is when the seeds for Sarilla were born. 

Today I still enjoy creating new flavors and playing with underrepresented herbs and flowers in my kitchen, coming up with new concoctions for myself and my family. I have shelves of boxes and bags; cupboards of steepers and teaware; recycled jars filled with hibiscus, chamomile, rosemary, orange peel, juniper berries, all kinds of African tea and more.

It occurred to me since we don't have a cocktail bar with alcohol in my house, why not create a tea bar? A beautiful display in our dining area with neatly organized labeled jars of premade blends to support each day, from morning til night, served hot or cold.

So the journey begins. The jars have arrived, the label maker has been purchased, and my husband is having a tea bar/cupboard made for me. Are you ready to join me as we begin the year with a focus on health, wellness and self acceptance?

Happy New Year Friends! Follow the journey here and on social @DrinkSarilla & @SaraStenderDelaney.

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