Resilience After the Storm: Supporting Local Asheville Businesses & Sarilla’s Journey

As many of you know, our company is based in Asheville, NC, a city that, along with surrounding mountain towns, has experienced physical devastation after the recent natural disaster. We are all grieving the loss of lives, beautiful neighborhoods, and local businesses, and we continue to search for missing people. For the most accurate updates, I encourage you to follow hyper-local social media pages, which are being updated in real time. Below, I've listed a few of these sources to help you stay informed. 

I am so grateful to have resilience skills and a company rooted in healing. It is natural to jump straight into a solution and overlook emotional pain during times like this. Sometimes, the feelings do not come until later—when we are no longer in shock and have the capacity to process the fact that we have survived a natural disaster. This week, we focused on immediate needs, evaluated the damage, and ensured our loved ones and team members are safe, with shelter and food secured. Now, we are calling around to see how we can help industry partners and compiling a list of local needs.

If you’d like to follow my personal journey through this process, please subscribe to my [free Substack](link to Substack), which includes my recent article, "From Crisis to Resilience: Finding Strength and Purpose After the Storm."

Meanwhile, our company is still operational, and we are packing orders. If you’d like to support us, the best way is to purchase Sarilla online or in local stores. If you can’t find Sarilla in your local store, please request the manager to carry our products and give them our contact information. We ship nationwide and partner with national distributors like Pod Foods, Vistar, and Faire.

Thank you for being a Sarilla fan and supporting our local Asheville business!


  • BeLoved Asheville:
    Instagram: BeLoved Asheville
    Website: BeLoved Asheville

  • Manna FoodBank:
    Website: Manna FoodBank
    Donate: Manna Donation Page

  • Hearts With Hands:
    Website: Hearts With Hands
    Donation Info: Hearts With Hands Donations

  • World Central Kitchen:
    Website: World Central Kitchen
    They provide meals to those affected by disasters, including Western NC communities.

  • International Water Relief (Water Mission):
    Website: Water Mission
    This organization focuses on providing clean water solutions during disaster recovery efforts.




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