Elevator Talk: Building an innovative brand during a global pandemic

This past week our founder participated in BevNET LIVE's ElevatorTalk, an online event for beverage brands, distributors, service providers, retailers and investors to discuss what's next for the industry. It's a quick listen and you'll hear how our products are differentiated in the vast marketplace.

Brand building can be a grind. Most people with good ideas don't follow through to recognize them to fruition for this reason. Have you ever had an idea one day and then you see it in the store the next day and think "I know it...if only I had done that!". We do...all of the time. It's a competitive landscape, with some great flavors and great stories. 

Why do some products soar to the moon, becoming a staple in our everyday shopping experience, even taking on the namesake for a whole category (think "Kleenex") while some of our favorite products just disappear from the shelf??

It's a complex system to navigate and requires perseverance over the years. The process of launching an idea does not happen overnight. It's usually a lifelong endeavor, like the celebrity who seems to become famous overnight and then later you realize they've been acting since they were five years old! If you have a dream and a really powerful WHY, now is a great time to take steps to realize it. Some of our favorite brands and businesses were launched during global crisis, and became successful because they found a really big problem to solve.

That is the key - maintaining a really strong WHY. It is usually connected to a deep passion and knowing of purpose with the founder. This can also be developed over time. If it is just about creating another product that tastes or looks good, or is riding the wave of a trend, it might not carry you through the rough storms. 

Through all of the turmoil of the past few months, and with the uncertainty of what is to come, we are solid with our reason for being. Our company exists to serve a greater purpose:
1. To offer simple solutions for people to feel good without alcohol or artificial ingredients;
2. To build community through conscious commerce by offering products with purpose; and
3. To modernize timeless categories such as tea.

Our mantra has always been "One Day at a Time". Just for today, anything is possible and you have everything you need to take one step toward your dream.

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